Por David Pino
La ciudad parecía muerta y se suspendía en un instantáneo letargo que amenazaba en hacerse eterno. La propia tristeza que me embargaba a mi mismo en aquellos momentos no me permitía darme cuenta que en esos instantes la ciudad dejaba de ser la misma, de hecho parecía otra, otra completamente distinta, incluso una fría y gris en un aburridor domingo de invierno de una remota urbe septentrional. Era una ciudad que poco tenia que ver con la de unos minutos atrás, con la que había estallado de delirio cuatro días atrás. En esos momentos no había casi nadie en las calles, y los pocos que lo estaban lucían una cabizbaja pose sentados en un bordillo o recostados a un poste. La razón no era otra sino que nuestro equipo del Alma estaba perdiendo un titulo que parecía más que asegurado. Pero de pronto ocurrió el milagro, como un mismo emisario de la Divina Providencia apareció la pierna rematadora del argentino Riboneto y anoto el gol que metía a Junior en la pelea por el titulo. Entonces, ocurrió el milagro que instantáneamente le devolvía la vida la Barranquilla, ahora resucitaba, los Barranquilleros recuperamos nuestra sonrisa y alegría natural, pero con mucho más entusiasmo y emoción, Barranquilla renacía como el ave Fénix. El desenlace de la historia es bien conocido, el ariete costeño Martín Arzuaga sello el Campeonato desde los onces pasos y la locura colectiva se desató, la Barranquilla más feliz estaba de vuelta porque el Junior era Campeón y empezaban los Carnavales.
Porque si hay dos cosas en el mundo que un Barranquillero ama sin reparos de su tierra son el Junior y el Carnaval, y si vienen juntas mejor; y tiene claro que sus dos templos por excelencia son la Vía 40 y el Metropolitano. Al Carnaval siempre se le ama sin reparos, cada año se vive diez meses esperando que llegue. Y Barranquilla con el Junior son como dos viejos que viven en eterno noviazgo, que se quieren y se pelean, pero siempre regresan, que se ven y se encuentran en el Metropolitano, no es más que una pequeña representación de toda la ciudad. Cuando el estadio se llena se dan cita todas los tipos de Barranquilleros habidos y por haber: el trabajador de clase popular que nunca falla, el viejito que no se pierde una desde el Romelio, la señora que le guarda más fidelidad al Junior que a su marido, la nueva generación de hinchas del frente, la gente farta que va solo cuando el equipo gana, el man del rebusque, etc. Y todos ellos se verán nuevamente en la Vía 40, con unas cervezas y unos aguardientes encima, con una mascara de marimonda puesta, con un batucon de monocuco encima, con un sombrero vueltiao encima, bañados en maizena o simplemente borrachos.
Es por eso que no puede existir un lugar en el planeta más alegre que Barranquilla cuando el Junior es Campeón y se adelanta el inicio los Carnavales. Solo es cuestión de que oiga el pitido que sentencie el titulo para que la locura colectiva estalle. La gente se vuelca a las calles, se baña en maizena, y se arma una Batalla de Flores decembrina por el rió humano que invade las calles, y donde cada currambero se libera y se entrega por completo a la celebración porque la autentica expresión del ser Barranquillero no tiene mejor sitio para ser expresada que la fiesta deportiva-carnestoléndica. Se vivirán unos dos días celebración en una fiesta que solo terminará hasta el miércoles de ceniza. Y serán unos Carnavales inolvidables porque tendrán un sabor especial, el sabor de la victoria, y no habrá ni evento ni artista que no mencione ni felicite a los Tiburones, ni Barranquillero que no quiera hacer parte de la Fiesta.
Gracias Junior, Gracias Barranquilla, por tanta alegrías.
Yo creo que el júnior no tiene más estrellas es porque hay que ocnservar el equilibrio mundial de la naturaleza. No puede haber una ciudad con tanta alegria, mientras otras estan pelicrespas
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My dogs are also beautiful outr?prevalent the laser gyroscope I got from DealtoWorld.com. They evermore occupy oneself with the gyroscope as it spins, although at first place they kept barking at the laser light boast, and also because it produces music. But after they got tempered to it, they've stopped barking but due keep following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also pretty amused alongside it. On occasion it's proper to have diverting toys around the lineage so that you can desert the toy on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you go get up scoff or fall heir to changed. The gyroscope is one such trinket with this purpose.
The gyroscope I bought from DealtoWorld.com has a dragon as a pattern on it, and produces a taper indicate with red, downcast, and green colours. Steal a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser incandescence show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that great but good enough to consider any redone visitor to the house. The gyroscope is red and black, making it look extraordinarily imperturbable, and to some virile with that dragon imprint.
The music flare plain gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also acclimatized this gyroscope to eye-opener my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy terror of decorating the hotel latitude with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as affectionately so that the laser brighten register produces a romantic effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the sunrise effects created a sort of romantic atmosphere. She loved it, past the style, to my relief. I also bought the candles from DealtoWorld.com. These days it seems to be my oversight shopping site in return all gifts and ideas in behalf of emotional occasions.
Since Christmas is coming, this laser lamp playing gyroscope can maybe be a great Christmas contribution looking for the toddler or neutral the mollycoddle! Alternatively, the gyroscope can simply be a nice summation to the ordinary Christmas decorations. I can take it as given placing it near the Christmas tree and maybe spinning it when guests hit town in the house. Looks like [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] is getting my function anyway again!
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The relative complexities of women's and men's fashion
Both women and men could have the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style frequently feels a lot simpler. Of program, for both sexes, outfits and style options can be quite as intricate, and there are numerous'cool'things that could rapidly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people walking around in 70s flares? On the other side, men's style includes a few staple items which will exist forever - which man is likely to watch out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Choose classic cuts, colors and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why traditional men's style is amazing
The classic man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many kinds for different occasions, but they are all popular in their quest for a smart, sharp search for the individual. The great thing about common fashion for men is that it's simply stylish efficiently cool. A well-groomed man will almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the design of such apparel. A match will undoubtedly be utilized to work in many professions because of the professional look it provides to the wearer, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will undoubtedly be worn to many social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary flexibility that allows matches to be worn in virtually all situations is what gives it its classic advantage and a permanent devote men's fashion.
Contemporary developments in classic men's fashion
Though classic men's styles will never be changed, it is interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have produced particular basic garments back into fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, especially, has brought back a wide-variety of common styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who dress in a classic yet luxurious way, working in a sophisticated approach and placing value on appearance. This pattern for nearly'over-the-top'common style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages clothe themselves in notably Victorian-style outfit and take to the streets on vintage bicycles - with most of the men sporting flawless mustaches! This really is just one of many types of data displaying the resurrection of such designs. There are also numerous blogs on the web which focus on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, although certain facets of common men's fashion may be brought back as new movements, the essential clothes which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
"All it requires are a few basic costumes. And there's one secret - the easier the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a specialized angle.
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The majority of people do not have any concept about what is possible with [url=http://muahotdeal.com/thoi-trang.html]Thoi trang nu[/url], and we really are speaking about the range of effects. Like so many other things, you have to analyze what you are working with and weigh them against each other. If you incorrectly overlook something, the outcomes can be unpleasant, to say the least. When you are satisfied that your research is thorough, then that is the time to assess the possibilities. The important thing is you need to know the following about this topic so you will make an educated decision.
The general difficulties of men's and women's style
Both women and men can feel the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often seems a lot less complicated. Of course, for both sexes, clothes and style choices could be equally as complex, and there are many'cool'things that could quickly become fashion faux pas - who will say they often times see people walking on in 70s flares? On the other side, men's fashion features a few staple items which will exist eternally - which man is likely to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose classic pieces, colors and materials and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why basic men's style is eternal
The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many kinds for different events, nevertheless they are all common in their quest for a clever, sharp look for the individual. The neat thing about traditional fashion for men is that it is simply stylish effectively cool. A well-groomed gentleman will typically look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such clothing. A suit will undoubtedly be used to work in many jobs due to the professional search it provides to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Similarly a match will be used to many social functions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This extraordinary versatility which allows matches to be worn in almost all functions is what gives it its amazing border and a lasting place in men's fashion.
Contemporary movements in traditional men's style
Whilst basic men's styles will never be changed, it is interesting to remember that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced particular traditional clothes back in fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, particularly, has brought back a wide-variety of common designs into men's closets, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet extravagant way, placing value on appearance and operating in a polished approach. This pattern for nearly'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages clothe themselves in especially Victorian-style outfit and take to the streets on vintage bicycles - with many of the men sporting impeccable mustaches! This is just one of several examples of evidence displaying the resurgence of such styles. There are also numerous sites on line which focus on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to giving articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, although specific areas of traditional men's style can be cut back as new movements, the basic garments which they derive from will never fall out of fashion.
"All it requires are a few simple garments. And there's one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion retailer with a technical twist.
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For illustration, an $eighty massage could be purchased by the customer for $forty by signifies of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer gives a therapeutic therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get about $twenty from Groupon for it (underneath a fifty%/fifty% break up). Or, if $240 worth of home painting answers is bought by the buyer for $fifty by way of Groupon, then the firm will get $twenty five and Groupon retains $twenty five. The customer receives the massage, or the house portray service, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they at initial paid out out $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are specified businesses to which Groupon at first did not offer its vendors, which involves shooting ranges and strip golf equipment nonetheless, shooting ranges have been highlighted on Groupon.
In distinction to labeled promoting, the service provider does not spend any upfront worth to participate: Groupon collects personal details from prepared consumers and then contacts only these buyers, mainly by every day e mail, who might maybe be fascinated in a certain solution or service provider.
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